Visitor FAQs

What can I expect to find at Grace?
At Grace you can expect to find a family of believers worshipping God, learning from the Word, and encouraging one another. We are known for having great fellowship before and after the service. We also find many reasons to break bread together. If you like to chat, live in community together as a family of believers, and desire to have people by your side who genuinely care about you and your life, this is the place for you.

Where are you located?
You’ll find us 1 mile west of Whitewater, Kansas on Highway 196.

What clothing is normally worn on a Sunday morning?
On a Sunday morning at Grace you’ll find a full range of styles from formal to casual, dresses to jeans. Come as you are, and you’ll be welcomed.

What Bible translations are used?
In our congregation you’ll find a mix of ESV, NASB, KJV, and NKJV.

Is there a staffed nursery available?
Little ones are welcome to stay with their parents in the sanctuary, as we value the importance of children being involved in the corporate worship service. We have a comfortable nursery for moms to take babies and toddlers as needed, where they can hear and see the service.

Is there someone available to provide confidential biblical counseling?
Yes, counseling and discipleship are available for those seeking biblical help. Contact the church office to set up a meeting.

More questions? Give us a call at 316-799-2063.